Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
How can I change my email address?
For financial advisers only
Please speak to your firm administrator and they can update your email address. Changing your email address will also change your username for Aegon Platform.
If you use a Unipass certificate to sign in to Aegon Platform, you need to update your certificate with Unipass. If you don't do this, your certificate will no longer be valid.
My activation code has expired – can I get a new one?
For financial advisers only
For security reasons, the activation code we send you expires after 24 hours.
Please contact your firm administrator to request a new code.
If your firm administrator can’t help you, please contact us using webchat.
What do I do if my mobile number and/or smart device used for sign in verification has changed?
For financial advisers only
Please contact your firm administrator to reset your verification method. This will delete any registered number and/or authentication app. You’ll then be able to register a new number and/or smart device when you next sign in. For added security following the reset, you’ll have 24 hours to do this before your account is locked.
If your firm administrator can’t help you, please contact us using webchat.
I’ve lost or broken my mobile and don’t have any alternative devices for sign in verification, how can I sign in?
For financial advisers only
We require a mobile number and/or smart device to help verify you when signing in. However, in this situation please contact your firm administrator to report device unavailable. This will delete any registered number and/or authentication app. You’ll then be able to register a landline number when you next sign in. For added security you’ll have 24 hours to do this before your account is locked and you can only use the landline option for 7 days. As soon as your new device arrives please register it for verification.
If your firm administrator can’t help you, please contact us using webchat.
How many transfers can I add?
For financial advisers only
This depends on the product.
If you select ISA or GIA, there’s no limit to the number of transfers you can add.
If you select drawdown transfer, you can only add one transfer at a time. So, if your client has an existing drawdown pension worth £100,000 but this is made up of two arrangements, one worth £40,000 and one worth £60,000, you’ll have to apply for two separate drawdown transfer applications.
If you select pensions savings or full immediate drawdown there are different types of transfers available.
- Block – due to legislation you can only add one.
- Standard – there’s no limit to the number you can add.
- Pension credit – there’s no limit to the number you can add.
What is your transfer in/re-registration process?
For financial advisers only
To make sure your clients transfer in/re-registration is as tax efficient as possible, we won’t invest any transfers you make into cash during the transfer process. Your client won’t make any investment losses or gains.
For re-registrations, if you’re unable to find the fund you’re looking for it may be because we don’t currently hold this fund and we won’t be able to accept it.
Can I transfer my client’s existing capped drawdown?
For financial advisers only
Yes. If you do transfer it, it will be updated to flexi-access drawdown.
Can I re-register assets from another plan?
For financial advisers only
For GIA and ISA
You can do this during the quote and apply process, by selecting the Re-register from another provider option.You’ll need to complete an application for each plan you want to re-register.
You need to complete our Re-registration authority form and send this to us. -
What do I need to set up a pension credit transfer?
For financial advisers only
When applying for a pension credit transfer, you need to tell us how much the pension credit is worth and whether or not any part of it is a disqualifying pension credit.
Can I register my Unipass certificate with my Aegon account?
For financial advisers only
Yes. To do this, you need to register your Unipass certificate with your Aegon account.
If you haven’t already activated your Aegon account, you need to do that first using your username and password – not your Unipass certificate details.
Once you’re signed in to your dashboard, go to your profile page and select the Register Unipass button and follow the steps to register. When your existing certificate expires, you’ll need to follow these steps again to register your new certificate.
Please remember that the email address attached to your Unipass certificate and your Aegon account must be the same.
What is Unipass?
For financial advisers only
Unipass is a service that allows you to create a unique online identity. It allows you to sign in to multiple websites within the financial services industry on any device.
With your Unipass account, you can download and store a Unipass Certificate to allow you access to your chosen websites. You’ll also have a Unipass username, password and PIN that you can use on mobile devices to help you conduct business whilst you’re on the move.
When your Unipass certificate expires, you’ll have to add details of the new one. Sign into your Aegon account, go to your profile page and select Register Unipass and follow the steps.
How do I sign in using Unipass?
For financial advisers only
You need to register your Unipass certificate with your Aegon account. Sign in to your dashboard, go to your profile page and select the Register Unipass button and follow the steps to register. Remember, when your existing certificate expires, you’ll need to follow these steps again to register your new certificate.
After you’ve registered, you’ll be able to use the Sign in with Unipass link.
If you haven’t already activated your Aegon account, you need to do that first using your username and password – not your Unipass certificate details.
Why is my Unipass sign on not working?
For financial advisers only
This could be for a few reasons.
- Your Unipass certificate may not be registered with your Aegon account. Sign into your dashboard, using your email address and password, go to your profile page and select Register Unipass and follow the steps.
- Your Unipass Certificate may not be valid - for example it’s expired. Contact Unipass to get a new certificate.
- The email address on your Unipass Certificate isn’t the same as the email address you use to sign in to your Aegon Dashboard. You'll need to contact Unipass to update your email address with them.
- Your account is locked. Contact your firm administrator in the first instance, if they aren’t available contact us.
Where do I find a Unipass serial number?
Not for customers
Our guide to Bulk Data gives the details of how you can find a Unipass serial number.
How do I create a switch illustration?
For financial advisers only
You’ll find the switch illustration in the Documents screen of the switch journey, you can review the illustration before you submit the switch instruction. For more information, see our How to switch funds guide.
What improvements have you made to transaction history?
For financial advisers only
We’ve made a number of improvements to transaction history to help you and your clients get the most from it. We’ve included a summary of the changes below:
- Simplified view of transaction history – reduces the number of entries we show to make it easier to view at a glance.
- Transaction grouping – the summary view shows high level transaction details (for example, switch funds). You can then drill down by selecting the transaction to show detailed line items associated with it.
- Removal of pending transactions once they complete – after pending transactions complete we’ll remove them and replace with the completed transaction.
- Filtering – narrow down your results using three categories of Transaction type, Tax year and Date range.
- Totals – we’ve introduced a totals feature to show the total money in and out since your clients’ Aegon Platform account was set up. If you apply filters you’ll see the total values for just the filtered transactions.
- Improved naming for the most frequent transaction types – we’ve simplified the flow of transactions and the titles for transactions.
- Improved downloadable report - the report now includes customer details, product name, transaction descriptions and the funds used. Transactions are now clearer as we show money in in green and we show money out in red.
To find out more information about the changes we’ve made, including the key differences, take a look at our guide Aegon Platform – improved transaction history (pdf).
How can I find out more about my client’s previous relevant benefit crystallisation events?
For financial advisers only
After each relevant benefit crystallisation event, we send your client a statement with these details. If you need other information, please contact us.
Can I apply online for a Junior ISA for my client?
For financial advisers only
Sorry, you can't currently apply online. In order to apply, your client can complete the relevant form below. Instructions for submission are on the form:
Aegon Junior ISA application form (pdf)
Investment funds to a junior investment ISA (pdf)
Junior investment ISA transfer application form (pdf)
Junior investment ISA transfer authority (pdf)
Child trust fund to junior investment ISA transfer application (pdf)
Can I carry out transactions online on the Aegon Platform for my client’s ReAssure Portfolio Plus Pension or SIPP?
For financial advisers only
You can carry out a switch online for the collective funds invested in your client’s ReAssure pension that are held on the Aegon Platform.
For any other transactions, you’ll need to contact ReAssure by phone on +44 (0)345 646 0381 (Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm. Call charges will vary). Alternatively, you can email them at or write to them at the following address:
ReAssure SIPP
2nd Floor, Fitzalan House
Fitzalan Court
Fitzalan Road
CF24 0EL -
Can I manage income when I’m topping up my client’s ISA or GIA?
For financial advisers only
You can manage income separately once the top up is complete. Simply sign in to the Aegon Platform, view your client’s product summary, and then select More options and Manage income.
Can I carry out transactions online for my client’s Cofunds Pension Account?
For financial advisers only
You can carry out a switch by signing into the Aegon Platform. For any other CPA transactions, please complete the relevant form below and submit.
Cofunds Pension Account Annuity Purchase form (Immediate Vesting Option) (pdf)
Cofunds Pension Account Annuity Purchase form (Open Market Option) (pdf)
Cofunds Pension Account Adviser Charging Fee Model Affirmation form (pdf)
Cofunds Pension Account - Bypass Trust (pdf)
Cofunds Pension Account Transfer Out form (pdf)
Cofunds Pension Account Confirmation of Verification of Identity (Non-Private Individual) (pdf)
Cofunds Pension Account Confirmation of Verification of Identity (Private Individual) (pdf)
Cofunds Pension Account Marriage/Registered Civil Partnership Certificate Verification form (pdf)
Cofunds Pension Account Birth Certificate Verification form (pdf)
Cofunds Pension Account Expression of Wish form (pdf)
If the forms above don't cover the transaction you'd like to carry out, please contact us.
Can I manage regular contributions for my client's JISA online?
For financial advisers only
To manage regular contributions on your client's JISA, you need to complete our Junior investment ISA monthly savings amendment form (pdf).
Can I carry out regular contribution transactions online for my client’s AJ Bell Investcentre SIPP?
For financial advisers only
Sorry, you can’t currently carry out any of these transactions online.
Please complete the appropriate form below and submit.
AJ Bell Investcentre SIPP Regular Investment Amendment Form (pdf)
Can I carry out transactions online for my client’s Canada Life International Portfolio Bond?
For financial advisers only
You can carry out a switch by signing into the Aegon Platform.
For any other transactions, including withdrawal instructions, please contact Canada Life International directly.
For more information you can view the product literature on Canada Life International’s website.
Can I cancel my client’s regular contributions online?
For intermediaries only
Yes. View your client's product summary and select Regulars tab.
How do I switch my client into cash?
For financial advisers only
Select the fund your client wants to sell and we'll automatically add it to cash.
Can I carry out transactions online for my client’s Suffolk Life Annuities or Trustees pension?
For financial advisers only
You can carry out a switch online for the collective funds invested in your client's Suffolk Life Trustees or Annuities pension that are held on the Aegon Platform.
For other transactions, please complete the relevant form below and submit. For any other transactions, please contact Curtis Banks.
Suffolk Life Self-invested Personal Pension withdrawal form (pdf)
Suffolk Life Self-invested Pensions regular investment and amendment form (pdf)
Suffolk Life adviser charging form for existing clients (pdf)
Can I top up my client’s Suffolk Life Annuities or Trustees pension online?
For financial advisers only
Sorry, you can’t carry out this transaction online. Please contact Curtis Banks.
Can I make additional contributions to my client’s ReAssure Portfolio Plus Pension or SIPP online?
For financial advisers only
You can't make additional contributions to your client's ReAssure Portfolio Plus Pension or SIPP online. Please contact ReAssure to do this.
You can contact ReAssure by phone on +44 (0)345 646 0381 (Monday to Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm. Call charges will vary). Alternatively, you can email them at or write to them at the following address:
ReAssure SIPP
2nd Floor, Fitzalan House
Fitzalan Court
Fitzalan Road
CF24 0EL -
Can I top up my client’s ISA or GIA by re-registering assets from another provider?
For financial advisers only
Yes. You can top up an existing product online by signing in to the Aegon Platform.
When you start the top-up process you’ll have the option to select Re-register assets from another provider.
How long will it take for you to process my client’s application?
For financial advisers only
Typically, your request will be live on our system once we receive the funds and/or any forms.
Can I top up my client’s Cofunds Pension Account online?
For financial advisers only
You can't carry out this transactions online for your client’s Cofunds Pension Account.
Please complete the relevant form below and submit.
Cofunds Pension Account additional contribution form (pdf)
Cofunds Pension Account transfer request form (pdf)
Cofunds Pension Account drawdown transfer request form (pdf)
How can I manage regular contributions for my client’s ISA or GIA?
For financial advisers only
Sign in to the Aegon Platform to set up and manage regular contributions online.
On the product summary screen, you can select Manage regular contributions from More options or by viewing the Regular contributions tab.
These guides show you how to set up regular contributions and manage regular contributions online for your existing clients' GIA and/or ISA.
How do I…set up regular contributions online for existing clients? (pdf)
Can I carry out drawdown transactions online for my client’s Cofund’s Pension Account?
For financial advisers only
You can't carry out this transaction online for your client’s Cofund’s Pension Account.
Please complete the relevant form below. Instructions for how to submit can be found on the form.
Cofunds Pension Account Capped Drawdown Application form (pdf)
Can I carry out withdrawal transactions online for my client’s Cofunds Pension Account?
For financial advisers only
You can't carry out this transaction online for your client's Cofund's Pension Account.
Please complete the relevant form below. Instructions for how to submit can be found on the form.
Cofunds Pension Account Income Payment or Amendment Request (pdf)
Uncrystallised Funds Pension Lump Sum Application form (pdf)
How do I move my client into drawdown?
For financial advisers only
Select More options on your client's product summary and then select Drawdown.
Can I make regular contributions online for my client’s ReAssure Portfolio Plus Pension or SIPP?
For financial advisers only
You can't make regular contributions to your client’s pension online. You’ll need to contact ReAssure to do this. You can contact ReAssure by phone on +44 (0)345 646 0381 (Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm. Call charges will vary). Alternatively, you can email them at or write to them at the following address:
ReAssure SIPP
2nd Floor, Fitzalan House
Fitzalan Court
Fitzalan Road
CF24 0EL -
Can I top up my client’s maxi ISA, mini ISA or PEP?
For financial advisers only
You can no longer make contributions into these products.
You can top up your client’s ISA if it's within their yearly ISA allowance.
Can I manage my client’s income distribution online for SIPP?
For financial advisers only
To do this, please complete our Change to product details form.
Can I top up my client’s Canada Life International Assurance (Ireland) Portfolio Bond?
For financial advisers only
Yes, please contact Canada Life International directly to arrange this.
For more information, you can view the product literature on Canada Life International’s website.
Can I carry out a switch online for my client's ReAssure Portfolio Plus Pension or SIPP?
For financial advisers only
Yes, you can carry out a switch online on the Aegon Platform for the collective funds that your client holds in their ReAssure Portfolio Plus Pension or SIPP.
Can I top up my client’s AJ Bell Investcentre SIPP online?
For financial advisers only
Sorry, you’re not able to carry out this transaction online.
Please complete the relevant form below and submit, or contact AJ Bell.
AJ Bell Investcentre SIPP Investments Application (pdf)
AJ Bell Investcentre SIPP Investments Transfer Application (pdf)
Can I top up my client’s Canada Life International Bond?
For financial advisers only
You can't make any additional investments to your client’s bond. For more information, you can view the product literature on Canada Life International’s website.
Can I carry out regular contribution transactions online for my client’s Cofunds Pension Account?
For financial advisers only
You can't carry out this transaction online for your client’s Cofunds Pension Account.
Please complete the relevant form below and submit.
Cofunds Pension Account additional contribution form (pdf)
Cofunds Pension Account Investment by Direct Debit - Regular Contributions (pdf)
What should I do if I can't carry out a transaction online?
For financial advisers only
Please contact us and we'll be able to help you.
Can I manage regular contributions online?
For financial advisers only
GIA and ISAs
Sign in to the Aegon Platform to set up and manage regular contributions online.These guides show you how to set up regular contributions and manage regular contributions online for your existing clients' GIA and/or ISA.
How do I…set up regular contributions online for existing clients? (pdf)
How do I…manage regular contributions? (pdf)
Aegon SIPP
To set up a new regular contribution, amend the amount or cancel an existing regular contribution for your client’s existing Aegon SIPP on the Aegon Platform, please use the forms below.Aegon SIPP - regular contribution form (pdf)
Aegon SIPP - Instruction to your bank or building society to pay by Direct Debit (pdf)
A record of payments due form should also be completed and returned, along with the forms above when your client's employer is making a contribution, or deducting your client's contribution from their net pay and passing it on to us.
Can I carry out drawdown transactions online for my client’s Cofunds Pension Account?
For financial advisers only
Sorry, you're not able to carry out this transaction online for your client's Cofunds Pension Account.
Please complete the relevant form below and submit.
Cofunds Pension Account Capped Drawdown application form (pdf)
Cofunds Pension Account Flexi Access Drawdown Application form (pdf)
How do I take a one-off/ad hoc withdrawal from my client's Aegon SIPP?
For financial advisers only
Please visit our Money out card on our Support page.
From 6 April 2020, in line with new rules, clients must get an illustration for pension income withdrawals to show the impact that the withdrawal could have on their retirement savings.
To request an illustration, complete the illustration request form below.
Aegon Self Invested Personal Pension illustration data capture form (pdf)
Can I top up my client's Aegon SIPP online?
For financial advisers only
You can top up an existing product online by signing in to the Aegon Platform.
From your dashboard, enter the key client details into the search bar or select View all clients and use the Advanced search or Filter search results. Select Top up next to the relevant SIPP on the Client summary and follow the steps.
Our guide will help you through the process.
Can I change my client's retirement age online?
For financial advisers only
No, you’ll need to get in touch with us, with details of your client and what you'd like the retirement age to change to.
Can I top up my client’s Suffolk Life Annuities or Trustees pension online?
Can I carry out regular contribution transactions online for my client’s Suffolk Life Annuities or Trustees pension?
For financial advisers only
No. For regular contribution transactions, please complete the Suffolk Life self-invested pensions regular investment and amendment form.
Can I carry out transactions online for my client’s Canada Life International Portfolio Bond?
For financial advisers only
You can carry out a switch online.
For any other transactions, including withdrawal instructions, you should contact Canada Life International directly.
For more information, you can view the product literature on Canada Life International’s website.
Can I apply online for a Junior ISA for my client?
For financial advisers only
You can’t currently apply for a Junior ISA (JISA) online. Please complete the relevant form below. Instructions for submission can be found on the form.
Aegon Junior ISA application form (pdf)
Withdrawal from a General Investment Account (GIA) into a Junior ISA form (pdf)
Junior ISA transfer application form (pdf)
Aegon Junior ISA transfer authority (pdf)
Transfer from a child trust fund to an Aegon junior ISA form (pdf)
Why can't I carry out this transaction?
For financial advisers only
To carry out this transaction you have to request this from the primary account holder summary. Return to the joint account summary, view the primary account holder and then request the relevant transaction.
Can I re-register assets from another plan?
For financial advisers only
GIA and ISA in-specie transfer
You can sign in to the Aegon Platform to complete this during the quote and apply process, by selecting the Re-register from another provider option.You’ll need to complete an application for each plan you want to re-register.
SIPP in-specie transfer
Although the transfer process is online and generates a transfer authority, we also need a re-registration authority form. This is so we can request an in-specie transfer at the same time. -
How long will a switch take?
For financial advisers only
Once we have received a switch request, it will be actioned within 2 working days. Once the switch is actioned it will take 5-7 working days for the fund switch to complete.
Why is the amount available for withdrawal different from the current value?
For financial advisers only
We calculate the amount that is available for withdrawal only on those assets that are able to be sold at the time of the request. Assets may not be sold if the funds are suspended.
Can I carry out transactions online for my client’s Canada Life International Assurance (Ireland) Portfolio Bond?
For financial advisers only
You can carry out a switch online.
For any other transactions, including top up and withdrawal instructions, you should contact Canada Life International directly.
For more information, you can view the product literature on Canada Life International’s website.
Can I carry out regular contribution transactions online for my client’s Cofunds Pension Account?
For financial advisers only
Sorry, you're not able to carry out any transactions online for your client's Cofunds Pension Account.
Please complete the relevant form below and submit.
Cofunds Pension Account additional contribution form (for existing clients) (pdf)
Cofunds Pension Account Investment by direct debit - regular contributions (pdf)
If the forms above don't cover the transaction you'd like to carry out, please contact us.
Can I include a block transfer with other transfers?
For financial advisers only
Yes, but if your client's block transfer has a protected retirement age, we won't allow any other transfers or contributions to be progressed until we receive the transfer with the protected retirement age. If this is the case, our team will be in touch.
Can I set up third-party contributions for my client?
For financial advisers only
Yes, you can add these as an individual single or monthly contributions. You'll need to supply the third party's name, address and complete a Confirmation of verification of identify so we can accept the contribution.
You should be aware that HM Revenue & Customs will treat third party contributions as personal contributions (as if they were paid by your client).
How can I utilise my client's carry forward allowance?
For financial advisers only
You can enter an amount above the annual allowance when adding contributions, however, you need to consider your client's individual circumstances including:
- Their relevant UK earnings in the current tax year if a personal contribution is being made
- Whether they have used up their full annual allowance in the tax year they want to use carry forward in
- Their entitlement to carry forward unused annual allowance from the previous three tax years through membership of a registered pension scheme
- The impact of the tapered annual allowance in the current or three previous tax years
- Whether or not they are already affected by the money purchase annual allowance
If you'd like more information, visit our Technical Zone.
What is a disqualifying pension credit?
For financial advisers only
A disqualifying pension credit is a pension credit that is paid from funds that were already in payment when the pension sharing order was implemented. As a result, no pension commencement lump sum can be paid from disqualifying pension credit transfers.
If you'd like more information, visit our Technical Zone.
What assumptions do you make for a dependent's pension?
For financial advisers only
If your client is male, then we’ll assume the dependent is three years younger. If your client is female, we’ll assume the dependent is three years older.
What do I need to set up a pension credit transfer?
For financial advisers only
When applying for a pension credit transfer, you need to tell us how much the pension credit is worth and whether or not any part of it is a disqualifying pension credit.
If I select consolidated natural income, when will you pay this to my client?
For financial advisers only
We pay consolidated natural income on day 12 of each month.
Can I update my client's income distribution choice across all products they hold?
For financial advisers only
The income distribution choice has to be set individually for each product your client has. You can do this by signing into the Aegon Platform and selecting Manage income from funds for each product. You’ll then be directed to the actions you need to carry out.
What income distribution option does my client have if they're taking regular withdrawals?
For financial advisers only
If you client is already taking, or wants to take, regular withdrawals they have to set their income distribution option as leave in cash. They can't select reinvest or consolidated natural income.
How long does it take you to process an update to my client's income distribution choice?
For financial advisers only
Assuming there are no issues, your changes will show on our system shortly. If there are any problems, we'll contact you. When we make the change, both you and your client will both be able to view this.
If I notice I've selected the wrong income distribution option when updating the income distribution options, how can I change this?
For financial advisers only
If you notice when you're viewing the summary and documents screen during the request, you can use the back button and change it on the options screen.
If you've completed the request, you'll need to carry out a new request by selecting Manage income from funds on the product summary screen.
Why do you produce illustrations when I change my client's income distribution choice?
For financial advisers only
We produce a pre- and post-illustration to show how the changes made to the income distribution choice may impact your client's product.
Why can’t I set up regular contributions when topping up my client’s SIPP?
For financial advisers only
You can set up or maintain regular contributions separately. On the product summary screen, you can select Manage regulars from More options or by viewing the Regulars tab.
To set up a new regular contribution, amend the amount or cancel an existing regular contribution for your client’s existing Aegon SIPP on the Aegon Platform, use the forms below.
Aegon SIPP - regular contribution form (pdf)
Aegon SIPP - Instruction to your bank or building society to pay by Direct Debit (pdf)
A record of payments due form should also be completed and returned along with the forms above when your client's employer is making a contribution or deducting your client's contribution from their net pay and passing it on to us.
Can I carry out a switch online for my client’s Cofunds Pension Account?
For financial advisers only
Yes, you can carry out a switch online from the Client summary.
What if my client isn’t a UK resident?
For financial advisers only
Sorry, we’re unable to accept applications if your client isn’t a UK resident.
What if my corporate client moves abroad?
For financial advisers only
We’d need written confirmation of the change of address signed by all relevant directors/signatories.
What if my clients have moved abroad?
For financial advisers only
You or your client should contact us to tell us that they’ve moved abroad.
What are the different client types?
For financial advisers only
You can add four different client types.
Individual – one individual investor for all product types.
Joint – you can add two investors online under the one general investment account (GIA). If you want to add more than two you can do this by submitting the relevant application form. You can find the forms in our Document library by selecting Aegon General Investment Account (GIA) and Application forms.
Trustee – trustee investor for the GIA only.
Corporate – company investor for the GIA only.
How do I add or remove a director?
For financial advisers only
We need written confirmation of the change signed by all relevant directors/signatories.
What happens if I delete a new joint client?
For financial advisers only
If your clients are still prospects and don’t have any products on platform, the record will be deleted. You won’t be able to retrieve this.
If your clients are live platform clients and have live products on platform you can’t delete the clients. Please contact us and we can help you.
Why do you need my client’s email address?
For financial advisers only
We use your client’s email address for service notifications and to allow clients to manage their accounts.
What information do I need to create a new prospect client?
For financial advisers only
Individual or joint clients – first name, surname, date of birth, gender, National Insurance number and confirmation of UK residency.
Do I need to send you a copy of my client’s identification?
For financial advisers only
You don’t have to send us this at the time of application. There may be occasions where we require this, if this is the case, we’ll get in touch with you or your client for this.
Why am I seeing my client’s personal details?
For financial advisers only
There’s some information we haven’t previously captured about your client that we need.
What if my clients want to change their personal details?
For financial advisers only
You can change a client's address and phone number by signing in to the Aegon Platform.
You can change your client's name or National Insurance number using the form below. If required, please remember to include supporting documentation.
Change of customer details (pdf)
You can change your client’s bank details using the form below. If required, please remember to include supporting documentation.
What if the trustees want to change their personal details?
For financial advisers only
We’d need written confirmation of the changes signed by all the trustees.
What if my client’s company details need to change?
For financial advisers only
We need written confirmation of the changes. Please make sure all relevant directors/signatories sign the request.
What if my client’s company ceases to trade?
For financial advisers only
Your client should contact us.
You should let us know what you’d like us to do with the account, any instruction (not submitted online) should be signed by all relevant directors/signatories.
How long will it take for you to process the change to my client's details?
For financial advisers only
Assuming there are no issues, your changes will show on our system shortly. If there are any problems, we'll contact you. When we make the change, both you and your client will both be able to view this.
What do you mean by habitually resident in the UK?
For financial advisers only
Your client must provide an address, based in the United Kingdom (UK), that reasonably appears to be their residential address and there's no evidence suggesting this isn't. We don't consider employer addresses, business premises or PO boxes as residential.
Your client must be habitually resident in the UK for us to accept the business.
Why do you need to know the client relationship?
For financial advisers only
For each product, we need to know the relationship between the adviser and the client.
We’ll only ask you this once for each product.
How do I remove a named person?
For financial advisers only
If your clients are live platform clients and have live products on platform you can’t delete the clients. Please contact us and we can help you.
How do I add or remove a new trustee?
For financial advisers only
Please contact us and we can help you.
What documents can my client view online?
For financial advisers only
Regardless of whether your clients select online or post as their preferred method, we'll always save a copy of the document to their online document store.
If clients select online as their preference, they'll be able to securely access documents that are online from their Aegon Dashboard document store.
When a new document is available, we'll send an email to the email address we hold on record for them to let them know it's ready to view.
Where possible, we'll apply your clients' document preference to all document types and to all products held with us including any future products they may take out. We may still send some documents by post where an online version isn't currently available.
What’s the age limit for a junior ISA?
For financial advisers only
Children under age 18.
What’s the maximum dependent’s pension?
For financial advisers only
How can I find out more about the different types of pension protection?
For financial advisers only
You can find out more in our Investor protection guide.
Alternatively, you can find out more on HMRC’s website.
Can I move money from a joint GIA into an ISA?
For financial advisers only
Yes, your client can move assets held within their GIA to their ISA.
You can carry out this request online, as long as your client isn't a trust or corporate joint client. Just sign in to the Aegon Platform account, find your client and select GIA to ISA switch from More options.
This guide shows you what you need to do to submit a GIA to ISA switch.
How do I…perform a GIA to ISA switch? (pdf)
For trust and corporate joint accounts, or in exceptional circumstances, you’ll need to contact us by phone to request an illustration and an application form. Please have the following information ready:
- The total amount your client is looking to move to the ISA
- The names and SEDOL numbers for the funds your client would like to invest the contribution in
- The percentage of the investment your client would like to invest in each of these funds.
If my client is paying regular contributions, can they take consolidated natural income?
For financial advisers only
No. We don’t allow this to happen as part of our anti-money laundering mitigation.
Can my client take regular withdrawals and consolidated natural income from income-generating funds at the same time?
For financial advsiers only
No. Your client can select consolidated natural income or regular withdrawals, but not both.
What’s the age limit for an ISA?
For financial advisers only
Your client must be at least age 18 to invest in an ISA. There’s no upper age limit.
How do I make sure the switch amount and regular contributions don’t go over my client's yearly ISA allowance?
For financial advisers only
If we identify that your client is going to exceed their yearly ISA allowance, we’ll stop collecting regular contributions for that tax year.
The switch amount will go through assuming there’s enough funds in the General Investment Account (GIA) and the amount of the switch doesn’t currently go over the yearly ISA allowance.
We’ll automatically start regular contributions again, based on the amount they previously were, in the new tax year.
How do you calculate my client’s ISA remaining allowance?
For financial advisers only
We subtract the total contributions in the current tax year from the allowance set by the government. The remaining allowance doesn’t include future regular contributions.
Why does my client have a General Investment Account (GIA)?
For financial advisers only
We give all clients a GIA so they can pay their charges from it if they want to.
Before deciding if you want charges to come out of your client’s GIA, you should make sure this is a tax-efficient way to pay charges by taking into consideration the product(s) they have.
How can I view my client’s pre-upgrade Cofunds documents?
For financial advisers only
If your client was upgraded to the Aegon Platform and you’re linked to them as an adviser you can view their pre-upgrade Cofunds documents.
To access their documents, select the Cofunds Correspondence button on the client summary. Access isn’t available if your client has multiple advisers.
You can access pre-upgrade Cofunds documents for joint accounts from the primary holder's client summary.
If you can’t find a document, please contact us.
What's the interest rate payable on the Aegon Platform cash facility?
For financial advisers only
All products on the Aegon Platform have their own cash facility. Having a separate cash facility helps make it easy to keep track of any outgoing and incoming payments under each product.
- Cash held within the cash facility of any product attracts interest at a gross rate based on the Bank of England base rate. You can find the current rate we pay here.
- We'll calculate interest on a daily basis and we'll pay any interest due monthly into your cash facility after deduction of basic rate tax where applicable.
- We'll apply any base rate changes within one working day.
What income distribution option does my client have if they're taking regular withdrawals?
For financial advisers only
If you client is already taking, or wants to take, regular withdrawals they have to set their income distribution option as leave in cash. They can't select reinvest or consolidated natural income.
What is the primary role for a user?
Not for customers
The primary role is the main role a user will carry out. If you want to provide additional access to the primary role, then the user will also get the permissions of the additional roles you give them.
For example, if you create an 'Adviser' role but also want them to carry out 'Firm administrator' and 'Portfolio manager' permissions - then the primary role for the user would be 'Adviser'. You need to give them additional access for 'Firm administrator' and 'Portfolio manager'. This will give the adviser the additional permissions that those roles would have.
The same would apply for other roles such as 'Paraplanner'.
See below for the roles and what additional access you can give.
- Firm administrator can have:
- Portfolio manager
- Financial adviser can have:
- Firm administrator
- Portfolio manager
- Bulk Data user, and/or bulk data admin.
- Paraplanner can have:
- Firm administrator
- Portfolio manager
- Bulk Data user (if linked to a financial adviser with firm or branch access), and/or
- Bulk Data admin (if linked to a financial adviser with firm or branch access).
- Portfolio manager can have:
- Firm administrator
- DFM can have:
- DFM administrator
- DFM user
Find out more in our Roles and responsibilities overview.
- Firm administrator can have:
Who can set up and maintain user roles and permissions?
Not for customers
Firm administrators can create:
- Other firm administrators.
- Paraplanners – view only or view and transact.
- Portfolio managers.
DFM administrators can create:
- Other DFM administrators.
- DFM users.
Find out more in our Roles and responsibilities overview.
What roles and permissions are available?
Not for customers
There are several different roles available. These are shown below, please contact your firm administrator or us to find out the different permissions each role has.
- Financial adviser – view only.
- Financial adviser – transact.
- Portfolio manager.
- Firm administrator.
- Paraplanner – view only.
- Paraplanner – transact.
- DFM administrator.
- DFM user.
Find out more in our Roles and responsibilities overview.
What are the Bulk Data user and admin roles?
Not for customers
These roles are associated with our Bulk Data service. You can assign both roles to the same user.
The Bulk Data service provides you with MI on your clients. This includes data relating to:
- Investment valuations
- Transaction history
- Fees
Find out more in our Roles and responsibilities overview.
Bulk Data admin – assign this role to a user with firm or branch level access if you want them to be able to set up the files Bulk Data users can view and the third-party systems the data is to be passed to. Third-party systems include back-office systems, tools, front-office systems and customer dashboards. You need to set up the third-party systems before data can be fed through.
Bulk Data user – assign this role to a user with firm or branch level access if you want them to be able to download files to view. Some users may choose to manually upload the files to a third-party system. If the third-party system has seamless integration the Bulk Data admin role needs to set this up.
Why can't I see my client’s Legal & General Portfolio Bond and/or Legal & General pension products?
For financial advisers only
The Aegon Platform no longer provides services for the Portfolio Bond and for insured funds in the Portfolio Plus Pension and SIPP. You can continue to manage the collective funds in the Portfolio Plus Pension and SIPP. Following the transfer of Legal & General products to ReAssure, the name now appears as the ReAssure Portfolio Plus SIPP.
Why can't I carry out this transaction online?
For financial advisers only
Sorry, you don’t currently have permission to carry out this task.
Please contact your firm/DFM administrator to change your permissions. If your firm/DFM administrator isn't able to help you, you can contact us.
What extra verification checks may my client have to give if paying by debit card?
For financial advisers only
When you enter your client's debit card details to pay for a single or top-up, WorldPay will automatically check to see if their card is enrolled in the 3D Secure scheme.
If your client's bank does participate in this scheme, your client will be prompted to enter further verification information.
This could be:
- To enter their 3D Secure password in part of full
- To enter a one-time passcode, that could be sent to their mobile or email address
- A redirect to their mobile phone or tablet where they can authorise the debit card payment from within their banking app.
It may be that no further verification is required.
Once verification is complete, you'll see a message on screen (and your client will receive an email) confirming if the payment was successful or not.
Does using an older version of my browser affect my online experience?
For financial advisers only
Yes, this could. We always try to design our websites and online systems to take advantage of all the features that modern web browsers provide. If you don’t use the latest version of your web browser, there's a chance you’re missing out of some of the latest features the browser has to offer. This could also affect your experience when using our website or online systems, for example, fonts may be different. We aim to support older versions of browsers but updating to the latest version will give you the best experience.
If you don’t use the most up to date version, this may increase security vulnerabilities. We would always recommend you use the latest version.
Why am I being asked to use a new verification method to sign in?
For financial advisers only
We’ve implemented a new verification method for an enhanced security sign in. A username and password together provide a single ‘something you know’ factor. To better protect your online account we’re supplementing this with ‘something you have’ – a device on which you can generate a passcode using an app or receive a passcode by text.
Will Unipass users need to verify every time they use the platform?
For financial advisers only
No, you can continue to access the platform as usual. When you need to sign into the platform to obtain a new certificate, you’ll be asked to enrol a verification method at this point.
Why have you asked me to provide a bank statement?
For financial advisers only
For new payments or requests where bank details have changed, we may ask you to provide bank verification in the form of an original or certified copy of a bank statement so we can make sure that we’re making payment to the correct account.
How long is it before a debit card payment is available for investment?
For financial advisers only
It usually takes around three working days for the payment to be available for investment.
How long does a cheque take to clear?
For financial advisers only
Two days after we receive it.
Why do I need to provide my client’s bank details if paying by cheque?
For financial advisers only
This is to allow us to reconcile the cheque, once we receive it, with the correct application.
Why have you asked me to provide my client's bank statement?
For financial advisers only
For new payments or requests where bank details have changed, we may ask you to provide bank verification in the form of an original or certified copy of a bank statement in order for us to make sure that we're making payment to the correct account.
If my client pays by bank transfer how long will this take?
For financial advisers only
We’ll allocate this to your client’s product one working day after receipt.
Can my client pay the initial adviser charge by Direct Debit?
For financial advisers only
Yes. You can complete the Direct Debit instruction online if your client is present. Alternatively, you should download the form from the documents screen you’ll see later in the online transaction you're carrying out, print this and ask your client to complete before returning this to us.
What kind of contributions can my client pay?
For financial advisers only
Your client can make a single and/or a regular contribution into a product.
You can make one single contribution and/or set up one regular contribution instruction on each product.
If you don’t add a regular contribution when you set the product up, you can do this later.
When will you collect a regular contribution?
For financial advisers only
You can select a collection date between day 1 and day 28 of each month.
It takes 10 working days to set up the first collection so please bear this in mind when selecting the collection date.
Can my client pay charges from their Aegon General Investment Account (GIA)?
For financial advisers only
Yes. Your client can pay charges from their nominated GIA for:
- Offshore bonds
Can I set up employer regular contributions online for my client's Aegon SIPP?
For financial advisers only
Yes. When carrying out a quote for pension savings, on the Contributions screen you can add employer contributions.
What is the maximum my client can pay by debit card?
For financial advisers only
The maximum your client can pay by debit card is £49,999.99. It takes around three working days before the money is available for investment. If your client is paying more than this or wants a quicker way to invest onto the Aegon Platform, they can send us the payment by a bank transfer. We’ll invest money from a bank transfer the next working day.
When will you deduct and pay charges?
For financial advisers only
We’ll calculate the charges on the last working day of the month and deduct them on or around the first working day of the next month.
When will my client receive their ad hoc withdrawal?
For financial advisers only
Where there is a sell-down, it will take at least five working days to get cleared cash. We’ll make payments at that point, usually within two working days, assuming there’s enough money in the product’s cash facility. We make the payment by BACS or faster payments.
What payment methods can I select for an ad hoc withdrawal?
For financial advisers only
We’ll pay any request for an ad hoc withdrawal into your client's selected bank account, providing we have verified bank details.
Why do you need to know if my client is present if I'm setting up a Direct Debit?
For financial advisers only
We ask this to determine if you can complete the Direct Debit instruction online or on paper. If you have your client with you, or you have their agreement to set this up, you can do this online.
Why can't I view my client's regular contribution details?
For financial advisers only
This may be because your client pays their regular contributions by more than one direct debit payment. Please contact us to get details of the regular contributions or to amend them.
Can I submit regular monthly contributions for ISAs or GIAs online?
For financial advisers only
Yes. You’ll see an option to set up a monthly contribution when you apply for the product online.
If my client selects ‘Leave in cash’ for income and then doesn’t take regular withdrawals, what happens to any income that's generated?
For financial advisers only
Any income generated will remain in the cash facility of the product and will be used for fees and charges.
Can my client take regular withdrawals if they’re only invested in accumulation funds?
For financial advisers only
Yes. Your client can take regular withdrawals if they’re only invested in accumulation funds.
If my client is taking regular withdrawals, what’s the sell-down method?
For financial advisers only
If there isn’t enough money in the product’s cash facility to make the payment and your client hasn’t nominated a specific investment to sell down, we’ll sell down the largest investment within the product.
You can change the sell-down method or chosen fund in the online journey under the charges tab of the client's product summary.
Can I set up third-party contributions for my client?
For financial advisers only
Yes, you can add these as an individual single or monthly contributions. You'll need to supply the third party's name, address and complete a Confirmation of verification of identify so we can accept the contribution.
You should be aware that HM Revenue & Customs will treat third party contributions as personal contributions (as if they were paid by your client).
If I select consolidated natural income, when will you pay this to my client?
For financial advisers only
We pay consolidated natural income on day 12 of each month.
How do you pay consolidated natural income?
For financial advisers only
We always pay consolidated natural income to your client's bank account. You can select the account we pay it in to.
The minimum amount we pay is £2.50 - we'll hold any amount less than this and pay it once the minimum amount is reached.
What extra verification checks may my client have to give if paying by debit card?
For financial advisers only
When you enter your client's debit card details to pay for a single or top-up, WorldPay will automatically check to see if their card is enrolled in the 3D Secure scheme.
If your client's bank does participate in this scheme, your client will be prompted to enter further verification information.
This could be:
- To enter their 3D Secure password in part of full
- To enter a one-time passcode, that could be sent to their mobile or email address
- A redirect to their mobile phone or tablet where they can authorise the debit card payment from within their banking app.
It may be that no further verification is required.
Once verification is complete, you'll see a message on screen (and your client will receive an email) confirming if the payment was successful or not.
How can my client add a provider to an approved list for debit card payments?
For financial advisers only
How your client does this will vary depending on their bank or building society. Here are some suggestions:
- Add the provider (Aegon in this case) to the ‘safe list’ or select ‘don’t ask me again on this device’ at the time of making the first payment.
- Your client can add the provider through their online banking account.
- Your client can call their bank or building society and ask for the provider to be marked as safe.
There are exceptions to this such as the first time you submit a debit card payment from a device or location – how this is triggered is down to each bank or building society’s rules, so it may vary for each client.
You may find the following links useful to see how the different banks and building societies are operating strong customer authentication.
How can my client pay my initial adviser charge?
For financial advisers only
The initial adviser charge is taken from your client’s contribution. We’ll invest the balance of the contribution, after payment of the initial adviser charge, into the product.For GIA and ISA
You have the choice of taking the charge from the contribution, like a SIPP, or on top of the contribution. If you select on top of the contribution, your client will pay an additional amount to cover the initial adviser charge with the full amount you want being invested into the product.